Thursday, June 8, 2017

Normal service will resume in 3, 2, 1...

I can't blame you for thinking that I'd disappeared off the face of the earth - I'd lost my writing mojo, you see.  After a much longer recovery from surgery than I expected, I was knackered.  I barely had the headspace to cope with the post-op blues, never mind a frenetic return to the day job with an awful lot of travel, so something had to give.  I'm sorry that it had to be Babaduck, just for a little while.

Mind you, I haven't shut up on social media - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram (and now IG Stories) - I'm using them all and sometimes I think they all get much more reaction and engagement than the basic written word.  It's time to get my act in gear and sleep less, write more. Well, that's the plan anyway.

So, how have you all been while I blithely ignored you?

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